Saturday, January 9, 2016

Sisters' Slurpee Selfies

For Christmas we got matching necklaces with gps coordinates that lead to... the 7-11 in Provo, Utah!! Yes, the place where we got slurpees together in college.

Why slurpees?

Well...besides the fact they are delicious...the main reason is we grew up drinking them after every soccer game. So really, we should blame our parents for the start of the addiction. =)

How often do we get them? 
Growing up, it was just Saturdays or Slurpee Fridays.

In college, the obsession grew. We actually walked from BYU campus in the snow for 3 miles to get a slurpee one night, put it in our coat pockets (where they stayed frozen because it was so cold outside) and walked back to our apartment to warm up and drink them. In our defense, we were crazy Freshman.

Since college days, we have gotten one almost every day (minus Sundays) for the past 12 years...yes I said that right...12 years! We do not live by one another anymore, but every day we get one and take a selfie and send it to one another. Yes really...our phones are full of selfies of sisters with slurpees. Try saying that three times fast!

All of our husbands proposed using slurpee cups in some way. They obviously knew the way to our hearts and knew we would probably say yes if there was a slurpee involved. =)

Slurpee collection in college that was three rows deep. We had friends sign and date the bottom of the cups and add it to the collection, but if we are being honest, it was mostly all our cups.  It sure did not help that we literally lived in walking distance from a 7-11. Our brother liked to come in and count and comment how much money we could have saved. =)

Matt proposing to Britt

Freshman year collection 
Brad proposing to Ash

Britt and Matt's wedding day

I am sure the obsession will eventually fade, or we will all get diabetes, but for now we are connected through our slurpee selfies. I love my sisters!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I get it. For my sisters it's a daily polar pop (big gulp) so actually I think your obsession is a little healthier. It's the simple things, right?!
