Thursday, March 17, 2016

Dallas Dance Dare Weekend 2016 "Are you my mom?"

The three of us have not all been together in about a it was about time!!! We had such a fun time going to get slurpees, dancing, movies, more dancing, games, and guessed it...more dancing!
This is what we three sisters do when we get together....Act crazy and DANCE!

Our poor kids kept running up to each one of us asking, "Are you my mom?" One time Nash went to Ashley, then Lindsay, (looking for mom) and finally gave up and sat back down on the couch.

Our husbands are so amazing to put up with all our silliness and find ways for us to spend time together. One day we will live by each other! You can check out our dance dare weekend at the following link. Yes...we made a slideshow of our fun dance weekend...because we are silly like that and  "that is how we roll." =)

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