Wednesday, December 21, 2016

TV stardom

How many of you can say that you have done some nudity on tv?

Now before you start to judge...I should explain by nudity on tv, I mean that you were "born" in a fake hospital with fake doctors on a set of a soap opera. 

Being an identical triplet in Southern California had some perks for our parents...their girls became stars! 

Okay, no, not really...we literally just were held in strangers' arms while spitting up all over them. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? 

Our parents were contacted by the tv soap opera St. Elsewhere (Starring Denzel Washington) and were asked if we were interested in being "Baby Barbara." (They often used multiples because of the laws prohibiting kids under the lights for a certain amount of time. With triplets, they could just switch us out and no one would know the difference. So if Lindsay was being a cry-baby for the day, they would just use Ashley and Brittany under the lights.) I think all our parents could think of was..."Yahoo! This will pay for diapers...for a week...if we are lucky." 

So "Baby Barbara" was "born" literally and figuratively on the set of the show. Here are some clips of one of us (be my guest to try to guess which one) when we were older on the show. We stopped doing the show around the age of 2, because apparently when you start talking they have to pay you more. I guess we didn't have such adorable voices as I thought we did. 

After the show, it was difficult for our family to step out of the limelight with the paparazzi knocking down the door with diapers to be signed. Ha! Totally kidding...nobody even knew there was a baby that existed on the show. 

For those of you who are dying to know of how we "died" off the show.. our "mother" (who was in a coma after our birth) apparently woke up out of her coma, after years and reclaimed her baby from our "grandfather"-William Daniels- and moved away. you can go on about your day without wondering how we left the show. You're welcome. 


  1. I remember watching this show! Just to see you girls, of course!!

  2. From the day I met all of you, I knew I was in the presence of stars...all of you exude light and joy! Love you all!
